Archives For Agile


Over the past few years we’ve heard some of the thought leaders in the Agile community start referring to “second generation” Agile methods.  Most notably among these thought leaders are Dean Leffingwell and Al Shalloway.  While there are many others, these two leaders have writing, teaching, and implementing these second generation methods.  Its no surprise that they are principle contributors to the Scaled Agile Framework.

Second generation Agile methods really refers to Lean|Agile methods.  Agile had tremendous success as delivering high value(PO – thx Scrum), high quality(thx XP) software rapidly.  However the typical context was across a small group of teams(< 50).  The industry is now scaling these efficiency gains to the enterprise.  We are now building systems with hundreds and in some cases thousands of people.  Our context has changed and our methods are changing to meet the demand.  This is where the phrase Lean|Agile is rooted.

Lean|Agile methods are rooted in Lean.  What does that mean?  Well that’s a long story.  We recommend reading two books to get an understanding of Lean.  First The Toyota Way(history/origins of Lean) and second Principles of Product Development Flow(Lean principles for product developers) by Don Reinertsen.  The latter is an extremely tough read because it is just a set of principles and you have to bridge the gap to application.  However really provides the foundational principles of Lean applied to product development that big enterprises desperately need to make sense of why Lean|Agile practices work.  It also helps us reason about solutions to really hard problems we encounter day to day.  I guess you could say its “True North.”

The Scaled Agile Framework(SAFe) is built on Lean and applies many of the principles from Reinertsen’s book.  For instance, SAFe is driven by Reinertsen’s economic principles.  It largely does this by applying Weighted Shortest Job First(WSJF).  Why is this important?  As enterprise frameworks and methods plow into larger and larger enterprises, the complexity scales exponentially.  Lean scales as well.  It’s the language of business.  Best of all for agilists, agile practices are aligned with Lean principles.  For instance backlog wish lists allow for shallow queues and cross functional teams allow for small batch sizes.

So simply enough, as we bring agility to enterprises we need to change our toolset.  Second generation Agile methods…aka Lean|Agile methods provide the toolset that allows agility to scale.  We recommend checking our the Scaled Agile Framework(SAFe) to learn more about these methods because it is not only rooted in Lean principles, it applies them as well using Lean and Agile practices.  Enjoy!



We are excited to announce the next big thing!  Wait for it…the CLOPTM – short for Certified Lean Orange Professional.

Pronounced C-L-O-P, not KLOP or SeeLop.  We’ve trademarked the pronunciation as well.  This is very important because it was statistically proven that those that who pronounced the S.A.T. test as S-A-T, performed better on their exam.  We want to be associated with high minds and high performers.  So for the sake of maintaining a premium brand please use the trademarked pronunciation.

The background

We have learned over the years that developing and delivering software really isn’t that difficult once you understand the principles and practices.  So it would make sense that if we could package up all the goodness that those who have gone before us have learned, pour cement on it, and share it with the world, we could change the software industry forever!  We would never have experience software failures again.  That is our mission and goal for the CLOPTM.

The details

What:  The  CLOPTM is a 20 year immersive program that teaches you to become an expert in

  • Computer Science
  • Systems Engineering
  • Enterprise Architecture
  • Data Science
  • Graphical Design
  • Quality Assurance
  • Process Improvement
  • Product Management
  • Project Management
  • Behavioral Science
  • Executive Leadership.

Where:  The  CLOPTM campus is in the heart of Silicon Valley.  This location gives us direct exposure to the cesspool of mediocre product developers who are considered the cream of the crop today.  This location will also allow our students to realize their competitive superiority in real time!

Cost:  The  CLOPTM pricing model is as unique as its name.  There is no, I repeat no charge upfront for the program!!!  Instead the CLOPTM council will get a 5% royalty from any earnings that students make for the rest of their life.  This aligns with our belief that in 20 years, students will be so far ahead of the competition, there will be no competition.  Its a more secure investment than a Greek bond.

We look forward to our first graduating class in 2033!!!

$1.3 BILLION Fail

January 24, 2013 — Leave a comment


Steve Denning, from Forbes, has an excellent article detailing and commenting on the Air Force’s recent $1.3 BILLION debacle. The federal government does not have a stellar track record delivering software projects on time and on budget. Unfortunately, some of these failures are on an epic scale.

However, there is some good news. Despite this bad news, there are scores of software projects that are currently delivering regular value to customers and…wait for it…they are doing it within the Federal government! So it can be done!

What’s the common thread among a large majority of these projects? A vast majority have used Lean Agile methods to do so. The idea is catching on. AgileDC is a well attended conference. GlassCon(Gov’t Lean Agile Software & Systems) conference is gaining steam. Several meetup groups are thriving from the Agile Leadership Network to the Lean Kanban DC group. The icing on the cake is the GAO recommended to Congress and government agencies that Agile methods should be used when doing product development to prevent failures like the Air Force modernization project.

It’s coming folks. There are great people in government who get it. Here’s to hoping that we never have to report on a software delivery failure of this magnitude again!

Merry Christmas

December 24, 2012 — Leave a comment


Santa’s workshop is almost finished!

Merry Christmas from LeanOrange!


In the previous post in the Twilight Zone series we highlighted the misconception that Agile is for software development only.  In this post and subsequent posts we will highlight how Batch Sizes are effected by many areas across an organization beyond development.  Put your chin strap on…this may get a little heavy!

Don Reinertsen’s book, Principles of Product Development Flow(YOU should read it!) lists Reducing Batch Size as one of the eight principles of product development flow.  Before we jump to how you can reduce batch size, lets take a look at the cause and effect of large batch sizes.  By the way…much of this content can be found in Reinertsen’s book.  Did I mention YOU should read it?

The Cause

Today most project management is focused on wringing out efficiencies by institutionalizing large batch sizes.  This leads organizations to functionally align into big batch silos – Requirements, Architecture, Development, Test, and Operations.  The thought is that we can gain efficiencies through economies of scale and uninterrupted work.  And guess what…its true!  There are local efficiencies gained by pushing large batches of work through functional silos.  But how does this effect the agility of the whole organization?

The Effect…let the games begin!

  1. Increased cycle time(i.e. slower delivery speed.)
    • Its gonna take longer to build more stuff – duh!
  2. Increase variability of flow
    • What’s that mean?  It means there will actually be more frequent and larger interruptions in work.
    • Think about it, every time a big batch of work enters a silo a flurry of activity must happen to service it.  When a big batch leaves a silo, activity subsides.  Hot, cold, hot, cold, …etc.
  3. Slower feedback
  4. More risk
    • The longer it takes, the more could change(requirements, customer, technology, …etc)
    • Big planes are harder to land than small planes  (btw…in the English language we call that an analogy 😉
    • Slower feedback increases the consequence of errors.  i.e. the later we learn about a problem, the more it costs to fix it.
  5. More overhead
    • More uncertainty in process means more status meetings so we can get updates on our uncertainty.  Making sense yet folks?
  6. Reduces efficiency
    • Wait I thought it gained efficiency?  Well…yes…locally!  However its at the expense of destroying important feedback loops that cause defects to grow exponentially as batches are pushed through each functional silo.
      • I know this never happens…but what if a redundant defect is found by Test or Ops?  Perhaps an assumption was wrong, the customer changed their mind, …etc.
    • Think of how this effects the efficiency of the whole organization!
  7. Lowers motivation and urgency
    • Are you more likely to feel an urgency to deliver on day one of a two week sprint or on day one of a 100 day milestone?  Me thinks two weeks. 🙂
    • Which scenario would you feel more motivated by responsibility?
      • If you are responsible for shepherding a capability from concept to consumption…oh lets say…something like a USER STORY.
      • You were just capturing the requirements for a capability, but you knew several other groups would share in the responsibility to deliver it. (Arch, Dev, Test, Ops, …etc)
  8. Increased project slippage
    • More uncertainty in process…means more uncertainty 😉
  9. Leads to Larger Batches
    • Often called Death Spiraldevelopment.  Here’s what the customer is thinking
      • “If I’m not getting a capability for 6 months or a year I’m giving you everything I got!  Prioritization…what’s that?  Everything’s a P1!”
  10. The entire batch is limited by its weakest link
    • If 1 out of the 30 requirements in the batch has a security relevant change then we will treat the whole batch as a security relevant change.
    • For those of us who have dealt with security relevant changes, we know this can be a huge pain and often leads to large delays.

Whoo!  That was a mouth full.  In the next post we’ll describe some practical steps you can take to reduce batch size so that you don’t have to deal with the stuff above.  And I promise we will outline specific areas of your organization that will be involved to Reduce Batch Size!